Areas of injury
Ponoka physiotherapy and Acupuncture clinic have developed an excellent reputation for their patient care and provision of effective treatment and advice for both sports and non-sports injuries. All our Consultations at our physiotherapy and rehabilitation clinic is always one-on-one, beginning with an initial assessment, expert evaluation and appropriate treatment.
Head injuries
By the time people seek treatment for their neck pain and headaches, it’s not because of the occasional twinge, but rather for problems…
Neck injuries
Once we’ve pinpointed the main cause of your neck pain and stiffness, as well as headaches that we’ve determined stem from upper vertebrae…
Shoulder injuries
We carry the weight of the world on them, but don’t spend a lot of time trying to figure them out. Yet our shoulders are each incredibly…
Elbow injuries
The positive aspect of this complexity is that your shoulders allow your body to undertake an amazing range of activities. On the down side..
Wrist and hand injuries
Specifically, each one of your shoulders is made up of four joints, which are connected not only to one another, but form the connecting…
Low back injuries
All of us have pulled a back muscle at some point, needing to spend a day or two cozied up to an ice pack and a heating pad. But when serious back…
Hip injuries
they’re the largest joints in your body, connecting a large number of muscles, bones and ligaments. That means that much of the daily abuse…
Knee injuries
That means that much of the daily abuse that your body takes can ultimately impact your hips and knees. And when these crucial joints begin to…
Ankle & Foot injuries
Our feet bear the brunt of everything we do in our daily lives once we’re upright. They absorb the shock impact of all of the steps, stumbles and heavy…